Jóhann Jóhannsson – Here they Used to Build Ships
Listen, I’m all jokes all the time…that is, until someone makes a beautiful piece of music to accompany a sparse landscape…then I’m serious business! Johann Johannsson is pretty much on repeat most of the time, and I was super fortunate to see him live in The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever, and you know what…bUahdfjkfhasdf…that was my brain exploding because it was beautiful. Strap up and strap in, let you begin, to watch/listen to this.
Magician Letters
The Morning Pop Etc’s
Whoa dudes! As you all may know, I’m a professional album reviewer. What makes me professional? I don’t know, maybe my claim to be a professional! Back off already Internet! I’m a pro.
Early on in my professional career, I reviewed an album by a lovely band, “The Morning Benders” which you can review below.
Well apparently The Morning Benders are no more. Orr, they are more. They’re just more not The Morning Benders. They’re now Pop Etc.
Now, they didn’t ask me about the name change (which would have been the honorable thing to do), but I approve and I’ll tell you why.
I love Etc. It can mean so many things! Technically their band name could be Pop Tart, Pop Goes The Weasel, Pop Bananas, Pop Lock n Drop, Pop Baby, Pop Babies, Pop Pop, Pop The Album From Nsync, the list could go on forever! Etc. is like the fancy man’s Pi. I love it! In any case, check out their new sound and Etc. video below!
New Character – Carpet Munchers
Hey There Fair Reader!
As you all may know from my previous endeavors, I’m what you might call, a “smart cookie.” What type? Good question fair reader, umm…I’m not sure. Perhaps walnut chocolate chip. Oh! You’re allergic to walnuts? That sucks, I love walnuts. How about plain chocolate chip? Cool! SOOO, I’m a smart chocolate chip cookie! Being that, I’m on the cutting edge of innovation and constantly coming up with great ideas. Which leads me to my newest invention/idea/thing:
Gradual-a-gram! As you all are probably aware, Instagram is the HIPPEST way of taking photos on your electronic device. But what about people who long for the way photos used to look while they developed…gradually? Well hunger games no longer for those photos, because with my brand new app, you can take a photo and it will come out a messy blur, just like photos used to look prior to developing. Below you will find some test photos. GET EXCITED WORLD!
Oooh! What will this develop into? A picture of the ocean?! A picture of your lady wearing a hat?! A little pig with boots on?! How about below that? Is that a lush landscape? A chupacabra? A T-Rex?! Nobody may know!
Slug Lights
Slugs Fart
My NEW Business!
You guys, not only am I creative as all hell, but I’m also kind of a business man! So it may come as no surprise to you that I have decided to start selling normal pieces of paper with your name written on them for $100. This is gonna be big! BUY BUY BUY!!!