BOO! Oh man, you’re so silly. You got scared from that? Unbelievable. Buck up friend, because I’m a) using the phrase “buck up” and b) doing a show with Rigor Tortoise! It’s part of Tiny Marbles Giant Hour at The Clubhouse. And, it’s FREE! Nothing’s scarier than FREE COMEDY! Come on out! BOO!
Tis the season…continues aka: contis the season? Anyway! Here’s another SPOOKY short I wrote and am in, for Rigor Tortoise. GET READY TO BE SCARED (and laugh?)
Few people know this, but before there was the “Headless Horseman” in Washington Irving’s “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” he work shopped a couple of other characters that didn’t make the cut…
Lost Headless Characters of Sleepy Hollow – Headless CrowLost Headless Characters of Sleepy Hollow – Headless HorseLost Headless Characters of Sleepy Hollow – Headless MouseLost Headless Characters of Sleepy Hollow – Headless Reindeer
It’s a valid question! AM I RIGHT?! In any case, I didn’t know the answer so I took to the only community of people who could answer…Yahoo! Answers! as a part of my “experimenting with asking the Internet dumb questions” series.
Stoked to be performing with Rigor Tortoise at SketchMelt!
Here are some deets: Date: Thursday – September 5, 2013 – 08:30 PM Location: Nerdist Showroom – Los Angeles Doors Open 08:15 PM
SketchMelt proudly presents a showcase of the best of new live and video sketch comedy every month! Guaranteed to be totally sketch. See live and video sketches by Pearlstorm Dust Bowl Kids Tony Cavalero Rigor Tortoise Graham Beckett Rajan Dharni Drew Droege Sela Shiloni
Hosted by Brad Gage [Family Sandwich] and Christian Spicer [Double Jump, IMPRO(vs)TANDUP] with Danielle N. Kramer [Booze Cruise]!