Comedian Justin J. Johnson discusses what the spices of life are, why salt makes you stupid and what it is, mo money mo problems, and Jesus Christ driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse.
Baby Giraffe’s Love! at UCB!
Come on out to UCB on Monday, January 21st at 5:30 PM!

Why Isn’t There a Splash Up Shield for Male Stand-up Urination on Regular Toilets?
If you haven’t been keeping tabs on all the fun/exciting/amazing things I’m doing, one of them is getting down to business. The business of getting weirdos from Yahoo! Answers to answer my life’s questions! This time I hit them with a hard one! Can they answer? Will they answer? Will you answer? Will I get an answer? Why do I say “answer” so much?
In any case, something about urinals has been bothering me. As you all know, I’m a clean gentleman! And as a clean gentleman, I hate it when stupid urinals try to make me look otherwise! You see, there’s a splash factor that comes into males using normal toilets with the seat up, and I’m determined to find out why we haven’t corrected that as a society. So, to find out, I took to the most reliable source of whackjobs, Yahoo! Answers.
Click on this link to see the actual question and hopefully answer (said it again!):;_ylt=Alh7fdkHGSQiBFxujEX1aSDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130115135254AA0lreR
If you don’t like links, or just don’t want to click on things, here’s what I asked:
Why Isn’t There a Splash Up Shield for Male Stand-up Urination on Regular Toilets?
Honestly, we’ve come to far as a race, and are too evolved for this to keep happening. When males urinate, there is a certain formula in which the height of the male, plus the speed of the urine, plus the shape of a toilet bowel that makes it impossible to not have some water/urine splash up on the bowl or even on the floor. Why hasn’t a shield or something of the like been invented?!?! OR has something been invented that I’m not aware of?

Jew Barrymore Live at iO West – 10:30 PM
Hey There! For those of you who are anxiously awaiting this evening’s LobsterDust show, I have some bad news. It’s not happening! Adam Karell is training for the Olympics, and won’t be able to attend. GOOD NEWS THOUGH! For the first time in over a year, Alexandra Fox will be sharing the stage with me in our two person show, Jew Barrymore! Come on out! It’s totally free and will definitely be a good show!

Awful Salmonella Jokes by Justin J. Johnson
Listen, sometimes you try and try as hard as you might, to write various salmonella jokes. And you know what? Most times if you’re me, it doesn’t work out. Rather than be shamed by my lack of talent, I figured it’s probably best to just share it with the entire world. Enjoy!! at UCB on January 21st at 5:30 PM
Hey There! Reserve your seats now for! at UCB on January 21st at 5:30 PM. Make your reservations now!

Nature Stand-Up Comedy by Justin J. Johnson
It’s a new year, so why don’t you get in touch with your nature side by doing stand-up for some trees!
I Love You More Than This Barf Bag Could Ever Explain by Justin J. Johnson
New thing I made. Share if you love someone so much it makes you want to puke. Or, if you puke because you love someone who is gross and they…well…they just want to make you puke. You could also share because you just love barf bags, nobody is judging here.

Mr. Olsen’s “A Teacher’s Audio Diary” Entry 1
Mr. Olsen’s “A Teacher’s Audio Diary.” Principal Smith has instructed Mr. Olsen to keep an audio diary after many encounters with a student, Leif Ericson. Apparently Leif has been playing pranks on Mr. Olsen.
*Warning – Mr. Olsen uses foul language. He’s going through a rough time, so give him a break.
What’s the Protocol on How Your Ears React To Someone Talking About You?
It may be a new year, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop asking absurd questions to the absurd world that is Yahoo! Answers! This time I ask “What’s the protocol on how your ears react to someone talking about you?” Just to refresh you on the backstory of why I’ve entered and dark and weird world of Y!A, here you go…
I love Yahoo! Answers. I mean, let’s face it, it’s probably the only good thing that’s come out of the creation of the Internet.
Don’t believe me? Well get this, you ask a question, and then whackjobs answer it! THERE IS NOTHING BETTER! Thus, given my obsession, I finally decided to create an account to get to the bottom of some things that have been itching my brain.
Here’s the link and the copy, feel free to answer away!
What’s the protocol on how your ears react to someone talking about you?
Is it that they’re red? Or, warm? Or, ringing? Perhaps it’s red if they’re talking negatively, warm if they’re talking fondly, and ringing if they’re yelling? Wait, no…warm if they’re just like, “meh, he/she is alright at air hockey” but when they’re like, “he/she is AMAZING at air hockey,” that’s when they’re ringing. Sorta like red light, yellow light, green light. The green light is the ringing, and the red light is the red.