What religious affiliation does Santa have?

December 13


In case you didn’t know, I LOVE Yahoo! Answers. And as I’ve said before, it’s probably the only good thing that’s come out of the creation of the Internet.

Don’t believe me? Well get this, you ask a question, and then whackjobs answer it! THERE IS NOTHING BETTER! Thus, given my obsession, I finally decided to create an account to get to the bottom of some things that have been itching my brain. Here’s my second question, “What religious affiliation does Santa have?” Click on the link below to log-in and answer!


What Religious Affiliation Does Santa Have
What Religious Affiliation Does Santa Have

Here’s the copy of my question:
What religious affiliation does Santa have?
I assumed that he was Catholic. One could definitely assume that, but after much thought and seeing photos of Santa hat’s that may or may not have been hiding a Yarmulke I wasn’t sure. Then there was the thought that we may be Buddhist giving the come and go of the season.

Johnny Cash – The Gifts They Gave Alternate Interlude – Christmas with Johnny Cash

December 7

Found this super weird…alternate interlude? I guess that’s what you would call it. In any case if you’ve ever listened to the Johnny Cash Christmas album, you know he talks a lot, but this must’ve been on the cutting room floor, since it’s so weird!

Hipster Christmas Miracles – Tunde Adebimpe and Morrissey and Neil Young

December 4

We can only wish! Here’s my first of the season. Man, oh man, do I wish, amiright? Tunde Adebimpe and Morrissey record a Neil Young covers album? Yes please.

Hipster Christmas Miracles - Tunde Adebimpe, Morrissey, Neil Young
Hipster Christmas Miracles – Tunde Adebimpe, Morrissey, Neil Young

SONG: Possum In My Christmas Tree by Justin J. Johnson

December 3

Why call this a demo? I’m not sure, I’m sure not going to be able to keep pace any better, or play any better. Regardless, here’s a cut from what could be a potential X-mas album…we’ll see! Possum in My Christmas Tree!

Santa Claus is a Chain Smoker

November 30

Comedian Justin J. Johnson discusses why Santa Claus says “ho, ho, ho,” lung disease, notoriety, noises, foul mouths, Frosty the Snowman, addiction, and of course, how dumb electric cigarettes look!

Loose Leaf Tea Bag vs. On The Loose Leaf Tea Bag by Justin J. Johnson

November 29

New cartoon: Loose Leaf Tea Bag vs. On The Loose Leaf Tea Bag by Justin J. Johnson

Cartoon: Loose Leaf Tea Bag by Justin J. Johnson
Cartoon: Loose Leaf Tea Bag by Justin J. Johnson

Giraffe My Ass Off

November 28

Apparently Any Schmuck Can Get a Giraffe!

Oh man! Remember last week when I told you Yahoo! Answers was unreal? Remember when I posted a ridiculous question and assumed somebody would answer it? Well guess what, I WAS RIGHT! Annnnd, apparently giraffes are super easy to import into the United States BUT they do reproduce. Here’s the text as seen below:

“Most subspecies are not endangered, but many are protected. A helicopter doesn’t have the range, and the cost would be ridiculous. Air and ship are the most likely. Check with a zoo. They can probably tell you, and they could also tell you if any are available already in the US for a suitable use, such as a wildlife preserve or another zoo. They do reproduce”

How Do You Import Giraffes ANSWER
How Do You Import Giraffes ANSWER
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