November 8
The Real Rise of the Guardians Jack Frost Poster
November 8
A Boring Monologue About Guacamole Accompanied By Me Playing Guitar and Harmonica
November 8
Listen, you guys do what you want with your Wednesday evenings, but I’m going to use mine to crappily record a monologue while I play guitar and harmonica.
Octopus Tattoo Parlor Cartoon by Justin J. Johnson
November 7
Justin J. Johnson Responds To YouTube Comments – Episode 0.83
November 3
In this ongoing series, Justin J. Johnson will respond to YouTube comments. We’re not sure he got the message though, because apparently he’s just watching random videos on YouTube and not Rigor Tortoise videos. In any case, don’t forget to subscribe to Rigor Tortoise’s channel and comment!
David Bowie Singing At An Irish Pub in Pico
November 3
Justin J. Johnson discusses the origins of cities including Banana, Missouri, picking words, Q&A’s, how to start your own city, Chipotle, Halloween, not being a mattress, pushing, sleeping on hay, comforts, and take aways.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station vs. Eclectic Vehicle Charging Station – Cartoon by Justin J. Johnson
October 31
Dueling Pats – The BEST Halloween Costume Ever!
October 30
911 Call – Person Stuck in a Kitchenette
October 29
The Candle and The Stain by Justin J. Johnson
October 29