Some Ideas Nail It Right Away – Crustless Bread

May 16

Oh, hello there person who just so happened to stumble upon my website. If you will indulge me, I’m going to pull back the curtain and let you in on the magic that is me. I am magic (johnson). What? Sorry, I think I had another magic Magic Johnson blackout.

In any case, let’s pull back the curtain (sccchhhwweeeepppp)…

I start each of my days by opening a document and typing away any ideas that come to me throughout said day. And this may surprise you, but sometimes I can go a whole day with a bunch of ideas, but none of them quite nail it. Well, today is not that day, because I already won. That’s right, give up, go back to bed, pull the covers over your head and realize…I won. Here’s my first idea of the day, NAILED IT!

It’s Time For Tampax Change!

May 9

Listen fair reader, I’m coming up with genius ideas DAILY! Maybe even minutely! But here’s the difference between myself and everyone else…I take the steps to make a difference! So naturally, when my recent idea came to revolutionize the Tampax and grocery store world, I decided to e-mail their customer service department and see if we could bring about some change…

Here is the full copy…

Hello! First and foremost, let me establish the fact that any girl I’ve ever known has fully endorsed your products. It’s safe to say I know nothing about tampons, but I do know lots of women use them. This, however, isn’t my life story from the perspective of tampons…I’ll save that for my memoirs.

This is more of a suggestion…I think tampons should be placed in random sections across the grocery store!

Why you ask? Well, I fear nothing…nothing at all. Snakes? Nope, don’t fear them. Spiders? Nope, could care less. Ghosts? “I ain’t fraid of no ghosts.” Tampon shopping? Nope, don’t care, I’ll buy em all day. But after watching a gentleman awkwardly buy them, I had a thought…

If these were in the meat aisle, you could casually buy a beefsteak and a period stopper. Easy, peezy! Put em in the hot sauce aisle, so you can casually purchase some Tapatio and Tampax! In fact…that’s a great slogan! USE IT! I’ll letcha! I’m all for uniting products in the grocery store. This isn’t just for Tampax, this is also for candles, tape, cereal, ketchup, tofu, soap, fresh fruit, bug spray, EVERYTHING! Too long these products have been segregated! It’s 2012, let’s just put them all together!!!

I hope you take my suggestion into consideration, and if I walk into the grocery store and find everything living together, not segregated to a specific aisle, I’ll know my time on this Earth was time well spent…and take that knowledge to the next Earth! Do you guys believe in 2nd Earth…let’s not get into that now!

T4L (Tampax 4 Life)

Three (VERY) Important Things I Learned This Weekend

May 7

Hey Readers And/Or People Who Are Listening To Other People Read This To Them!

I hate to start anything with a direct quote from Abraham Lincoln, but I believe he was the one who said, “party hard on the weekends, and make sure you have some takeaways.” Well Abie L, I did. Here they are, in a particular order:

1. Father John Misty is the best dancer in the music game today.

Dare you to find a better dancer. Honestly, I dare you. What’s at stake? How about your mind not being blown by his sweet dance moves if you don’t go see him live. That’s what is at stake! So maybe you should get off of your ass and go see him live.

I’m sorry. I got real aggressive there, and I shouldn’t have. But…it’s just…you kept asking me what was at stake for this dare, and it’s like, I’ve told you a million times…a dare is just a dare. Cool it. ALSO! This is a behind the scenes thing that I learned, but Father John Misty’s new album, “Fear Fun” is definitely one of my favorites of the year thus far. So while you’re buying those tickets, meeehhhh, go buy the album too (Woody Allen impersonation).

2. It is possible to get lost in Griffith Park.

Oh, you don’t think so?! I’ll tell you what, you’re being a taddd too aggressive/defensive/something today for my taste. In any case, you being a jerk aside, it is possible to get lost. So take water and stuff with you. GOT IT?! I’m sorry, even though you’re being real weird to me today, I still want you to keep on living, so if you get lost, have water with you and keep walking.

3. I would join Brit Marling’s cult.

After viewing the pretty rad film that is “Sound of My Voice” I realized that, after inquiring with the local Arclight staff on how I could join the apparently fictional cult represented in the film, I’m a pretty easy target for joining cults. Please don’t ask me to join a cult. Unless you’re Brit Marling. Then, then I’ll do it. Mehh, I’ll probably do it no matter what, so just don’t ask.

Can’t wait until next weekend when I learn what this “kale” stuff is all about!

The Morning Pop Etc’s

May 3

Whoa dudes! As you all may know, I’m a professional album reviewer. What makes me professional? I don’t know, maybe my claim to be a professional! Back off already Internet! I’m a pro.

Early on in my professional career, I reviewed an album by a lovely band, “The Morning Benders” which you can review below.

Justin Reviews An Indie Album Based On Its Indie Cover Art

Well apparently The Morning Benders are no more. Orr, they are more. They’re just more not The Morning Benders. They’re now Pop Etc.

Now, they didn’t ask me about the name change (which would have been the honorable thing to do), but I approve and I’ll tell you why.


I love Etc. It can mean so many things! Technically their band name could be Pop Tart, Pop Goes The Weasel, Pop Bananas, Pop Lock n Drop, Pop Baby, Pop Babies, Pop Pop, Pop The Album From Nsync, the list could go on forever! Etc. is like the fancy man’s Pi. I love it! In any case, check out their new sound and Etc. video below!

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