It may be a new year, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop asking absurd questions to the absurd world that is Yahoo! Answers! This time I ask “What’s the protocol on how your ears react to someone talking about you?” Just to refresh you on the backstory of why I’ve entered and dark and weird world of Y!A, here you go…
I love Yahoo! Answers. I mean, let’s face it, it’s probably the only good thing that’s come out of the creation of the Internet.
Don’t believe me? Well get this, you ask a question, and then whackjobs answer it! THERE IS NOTHING BETTER! Thus, given my obsession, I finally decided to create an account to get to the bottom of some things that have been itching my brain.
Here’s the link and the copy, feel free to answer away!
What’s the protocol on how your ears react to someone talking about you?
Is it that they’re red? Or, warm? Or, ringing? Perhaps it’s red if they’re talking negatively, warm if they’re talking fondly, and ringing if they’re yelling? Wait, no…warm if they’re just like, “meh, he/she is alright at air hockey” but when they’re like, “he/she is AMAZING at air hockey,” that’s when they’re ringing. Sorta like red light, yellow light, green light. The green light is the ringing, and the red light is the red.