Now Improv
You like cool news? Oh yeah? How about lots of cool news? Oh, you’re into that too? Well get ready, because I’m going to barrage you with a litany of cool news! And guess what? I don’t even know if I used “barrage” or “litany” correctly in that last statement.
My friends Annie and Levin have started a really rad improv theater. Cool. News.
You can take classes and learn from the best (them!). Cool. News.
They’ve decided to launch a series of improv and presence based tshirts just for you. LIMITED Edition. LIMITED sizes. LIMITED COLORS. Cool. News.
I designed one of these shirts! Cool. News.
Below you’ll find some deets they provided on how to obtain one, and of course you need to go to NowImprov.com
NOW Improv Ts!!
#nowimprov @nowimprov
We have decided to launch a series of improv and presence based tshirts just for you! LIMITED Edition. LIMITED sizes. LIMTED COLORS.
Art and concepts by YOU!
FIBI! (For Improvisers By Improvisers!)
*Shake Out by Justin Johnson

*Live in the NOW by Annie O’Connor

All Ts are $15 and you can pick one up at Now Improv or you can email us and we’ll set one aside for you. SOON you’ll be able to buy them on our website!
HOW TO WIN A FREE Tshirt AND $50 off your next NOW CLASS:
Our artwork and concepts are submitted by YOU!
Submit your own concept, slogan or artwork for a tshirt.
Email us at nowimprov@gmail.com
-Take a pic of yourself in our Tshirt
-Take a pic of the NOW Classroom Space
-Take a pic of your team or class at NOW
Tag us in your pic #nowimprov
Once a month we’ll select our fav pic and YOU WIN!