Can you even believe it?! Rigor Tortoise is performing live again! Prepare yourself for the Wednesday evening you’ve only dreamt of! 9PM! June 26th! At The Clubhouse!
Rigor Tortoise – LIVE! – November 8th at 9PM at the Clubhouse
Holy Moly Mac-a-rolly! Can you even believe another show is coming up!!! I can’t, and I’ll be there, so I better start believin’!
Wednesday, November 8th at 9 PM at the Clubhouse!
The RETURN of Rigor Tortoise
Well, well, well, Christmas come early, eh? Rigor Tortoise is returning with a Chris Alvarado in tow. Come on out, check it out, be about it, do it, just do it, let’s do this, pick a phrase that indicates you coming on out to see this show and do it.
Link for tix below…but guess what? It’s free beautiful babies, so you don’t even need to buy a ticket!
The Selfie Talk Show – Rudy Giuliani, Wes Craven, Kardashian Selfies & Paul Natonek!
Check out the latest episode of The Selfie Talk Show!
This week LIVE FROM OUTSIDE AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL we discuss depressing foods, Rudy Giuliani, Wes Craven, Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian selfies, and interview returning guest, Paul Natonek!
Follow Paul on Twitter:
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Or check out for more deets!
Rigor Tortoise Live – Farewell Greg
Come to iO West on Wednesday, September 16th at 11:30 PM as we bid Greg Castle adieu.

The Selfie Talk Show – Episode 1
Here is a new web series I’m doing with the talented Adam Karell. It’s a different take on a late night favorite. Filmed as a selfie, it’s The Selfie Talk Show with special guest Paul Natonek. Watch, subscribe, enjoy!
Revenge of the Party Guitar
Here’s a seasonal treat for you that’s spoooOOooOoooky! Do I make it to the end? You decide.
Tiny Marbles Giant Hour – Rigor Tortoise Halloween!
BOO! Oh man, you’re so silly. You got scared from that? Unbelievable. Buck up friend, because I’m a) using the phrase “buck up” and b) doing a show with Rigor Tortoise! It’s part of Tiny Marbles Giant Hour at The Clubhouse. And, it’s FREE! Nothing’s scarier than FREE COMEDY! Come on out! BOO!