Let’s say you just so happen to be free on an August 13th at roughly 8PM and find yourself near 7518 Sunset Blvd…feels like you should probably come to this.

Here’s some audio of a call in to report an 18 – 30-year-old wearing pseudo workout clothes, carrying a clutch, listening to an iPod, walk stair mastering in.
So apparently it’s “official” that I have not been cast as the lead in True Detective 2. BIG LOSS HBO! BIG LOSS! That said, I’m not one to dwell, so I’ve set my sights on another project. Hocus Pocus 2! And this time, why not be more specific and go after a definite role. Thus, I stand atop this hill and yell to the valley of casting directors everywhere… #CastJustin in #HocusPocus2 as #MarySandersonsDaughter Follow me on the journey through Vine and Twitter.
LINK HERE: http://ioimprov.com/west/io/shows/rigor-tortoise-1
Check out this vid on a spooky, SPOOKY DAY!
Sketch comedy classic from Rigor Tortoise.
As it approaches, remember this fable.