Hey! Let’s get heavy for a minute. Life is full of changes. Am I right? But you know what’s not changing? The fact that the web series I was in, F#cking 40 keeps getting nominated for awards!
Hey Hey! It’s 2020, you’re amped because things are going pretty well, you’re year is off to a smash and January is about to close…whaddyado?! GO SEE LIVE IMPROV! DUH!!!!!!!!!
Come on out to Lobsterdust’s first show of 2020 and see us celebrate YOU!
I have a new zine I’ll be distributing in streets across the world…well, probably mainly just Los Angeles and New York, because, quite frankly, I don’t travel across the world very often! Who am I, Jackie Chan! Because he was in the mov…Across The Wor…ANYWAY!
If you find one and like it, tag me or something. Even if you don’t like it, tag me. AND, if you use it to NOT get bit by a snake OR become best friends with The Rock, heck, tag me. I think the goal here, is…well…to tag me. Well, the goal is to use it to not get bit by a snake and become best friends with The Rock, but…tag me.
Also, you know what phrase I don’t like? Yep, you guessed it, “tag me.” So, as you can imagine, typing all of this is making me sick to my stomach. In any case, here’s where you tag me (UGH, BLECK, PUKE): https://www.instagram.com/thejustinjohnsonshow/
OMG! You’re so busy, I get it. We all get it! You got things to do. You’re eating chia seeds. You’re using a hand vacuum. Things are happening! But let’s say you live in Portland and Austin and want to go to festival to watch something I was in on a big screen. Let’s say, it’s the thing you’ve been waiting for all your life, but never thought would happen. Well guess what, put down those chia seeds and hand vacuum’s because it’s finally happening!
You probably have come on this website…well, probably not…but let’s say you did, and you were like, man I’d love to see Justin on a screen at a festival, but I live in Buffalo and Philadelphia! Well first off, look at you, you lil jetsetter! TWO HOMES! What a life you’re living!
And, lucky for you lil jetsetter (also, what is a jetsetter, am I using that right?!!?), a series I’m in is coming to s festival near you!