EMERGENCY IMPRESSONATION! That’s right. Sometimes, when you’re the best in the world at impresssonations, the urge strikes, and you gotta do one! Right there, on the road. And this one is a doozy. You know the guy. The early 4-way stop guy. Yeah, well, here he is!
much like tons of folks, I absolutely lost my mind during the pandemic in a somewhat real way…but I mean, what ARE minds anyway, right?!
to cope with the anxiety of trying to re-enter life and be a human again, I enlisted some friends and shot this true Baghead footage…I’m the Greta Gerwig of 2023.
To be made whole by being not a witness, but witnessed.
You love two things: pop culture and meditation. Well, well, well, after years of becoming an expert on both, allow this fella to guide through a meditation on the Kardashians finale.
Check out the latest reely good content! Get it?!? What a time we’re all having! Anyway, here is a reel cut together from some footage from the award winning series, F#cking 40! If you ask me, this guy’s got more range than a Forno Galiano! (That’s a stove joke)
Did I try to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine, despite not having any scientific knowledge whatsoever? Sure! Did I fail? Yep! Did I stumble upon what might be the most important scientific breakthrough in all of history? YEP!
Follow me on Instagram as I become the first person ever…to WALK THROUGH A WALL!!!!
I have a new zine I’ll be distributing in streets across the world…well, probably mainly just Los Angeles and New York, because, quite frankly, I don’t travel across the world very often! Who am I, Jackie Chan! Because he was in the mov…Across The Wor…ANYWAY!
If you find one and like it, tag me or something. Even if you don’t like it, tag me. AND, if you use it to NOT get bit by a snake OR become best friends with The Rock, heck, tag me. I think the goal here, is…well…to tag me. Well, the goal is to use it to not get bit by a snake and become best friends with The Rock, but…tag me.
Also, you know what phrase I don’t like? Yep, you guessed it, “tag me.” So, as you can imagine, typing all of this is making me sick to my stomach. In any case, here’s where you tag me (UGH, BLECK, PUKE): https://www.instagram.com/thejustinjohnsonshow/